| |

I wish to offer my services as a researcher and archivist on the Internet. I
offer outstanding
capabilities and reasonable rates. I can provide information to any profession
on any range
of subjects. This includes assistance for any attorney, (or anyone in the legal
doctors, or anyone in the medical field; or any student, teacher, professor; or
involved in any academic pursuit.
NOTE ... April, 2013: Advances in search engines have all but eliminated
the need for this web page.

What type of research am I referring to?
Basically any category. I have done this on a
"hit-or-miss" basis for friends in the legal
field, a few doctors, etc. I began to do this more and more. Then one day it
occurred to me to offer my services on a regular, professional basis.
For instance, I was recently given the open-ended topic of:
well-being, and psychology, and how they are related. (I was
given this topic by Dr. J. Keller of the
University of West Florida.) He wanted as many reasonable references as
possible, and
a list of web-sites. He placed no limit on the number, but I assumed he wanted
as many
references as possible. I also (correctly) assumed that he wanted as much
information as he could get, but there would also be an upper limit where there
would be
"too much info." I provided him a list of about 30 web sites. These
included many sites where there were articles to view on-line and/or download. (Some of these
required a
small fee, or proof of academic credentials to access them fully.) I printed out
on my laser
printer some of the information from about 10 - to - 15 of these various sites.
I also made
several discoveries, such as there are entire Journals of Medicine devoted
to these
topics. (Sports Medicine, and the psychology of Sports Medicine.) Dr. Keller found
research to be more than adequate, ... in fact he
was very
pleased with the results of my work! (You can contact him and verify this. See my References

Why should you use my services?
Do you have nearly 15 YEARS of Internet experience, as
I do?
(I have built web sites - both professionally, and for fun - for a
number of years.
I know what the requirements are. What the standards are. I have lived on
Internet for nearly five years now, running both a Chess {teaching}
and a Computer-Consulting business, almost EXCLUSIVELY on the 'net!
I have had subscriptions to "net-zines," or on-line Internet
Magazines. I also
know where they archive this type of information.) |
I have already made dozens of lists for people to use on the
(One of these was recognized in an online net-zine by a writer who
also often writes for the New York Times.) See my "Non-Chess
(This is a list of some of the better sites on the internet. Most
notable are ones aimed at an "Internet/Technologies" Manager of a
small-to-medium business. Hundreds of people have written me thanking me for this
list.) |
Do you know what search engines to use?
are the strengths and
weaknesses of each of the various major search engines? {They do NOT
advertise this kind of information!} Did you know there are literally
of different search engines you could possibly access?) |
Do you know where to start?
(I do.
Technical fields are better searched on
several major search engines, medical fields on another, legal fields even
their own domains! You can spend a very long time just trying to find what
you are
looking for!) |
 | Do you have the specific knowledge of the Internet?
Where to look,
and how to limit the search?
(Certain types of searches can be
Do you know the criteria for limiting these searches? And the correct
method, or even
the recommended method for using each of the nearly THIRTY major search engines? Do you know ALL their helpful hints?) |
Have you frequented the INTERNET archives of dozens
(if not hundreds!)
of Universities, as I have?
Each one can be very
different, and can require a
great deal of time to familiarize yourself with. |
Do you have the skills to properly conduct such a
(Certain types
of web-sites and search engines have their own language and terminology. Do
you really have the time to learn a new skill?) |
Do you have a knowledge of the five-to-six DIFFERENT
types of Internet
(For example: FTP sites, or
"file-transfer-protocol" servers have their
own rules and different methods for viewing and extracting information.) |
Do you have accounts on each one of the major search
(I have several accounts on each of many of the major search
engines. Many of these are free, but can take an hour or more each to set up. This
obviously represents a fairly major investment in time.) |
 | Do you want to buy (or download) the
special software that you might
(I have purchased hundreds of dollars worth of software
for this.
Additionally, I have spent many, many, many hours down-loading special
software. ---> I have a philosophy ... NEVER DO WORK THAT A PROGRAM
CAN DO QUICKLY AND MORE EFFICIENTLY!! The bottom line? You could do all of this work yourself, but it would take you a great deal of time!!!) |
Can you read VERY quickly, as I
(I am a certified graduate of several
speed-reading courses and can read several thousand words a minute. With
Internet searches, reading a fantastic amount of material in a fairly quick
can be a fundamental requirement. It certainly doesn't hurt!) |
I could go on and on, but I trust by now you get
the point. Why do all of
this work, and go through all of this trouble? I am certain I could do it more
quickly and efficiently. And I have years of experience doing it!

I have many years of managing records and doing research. I
started in the chess field and I am now a certified LIFE-Master. My main
site is considered by many persons - including chess experts - to be one of the finest on the
web. |
I was the flight records manager while I was in the Air
Force. This involved keeping and maintaining intricate records. (I re-organized these and even received a
letter of commendation for my work.) After I reached the rank of E-4, I was
also the flight APR (Airman Performance Reports) manager. (Three different
bases.) |
I have been the Sales Manager of several different local
computer companies. As such, I had to manage and maintain fairly complex databases of
information. |
I have done research for several local law firms and lawyers
for several different cases they were involved in. This included finding background data on a
whole range of topics on a variety of different subjects. |
I also aided one local Doctor - who was doing research on
prosthetics - find what available data there was on this topic on the internet. This included
visiting dozens of University web-sites to access what information they had on the
subject. |

My pledge to you ...
I promise to always keep your
information confidential and the results of your data search private.
(This is critical to lawyers who may be
preparing a case.)
