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  • Please note that I "grade" this game much less harshly than normal ... this is due to the time control.  
    (I do not think it is possible to try and play one-minute like you would play say a slow, OTB tournament game. I also did not put the opening under a microscope, both players were simply trying to get developed as quickly as possible.)  

  • Please note that there is a replay page and that the diagrams are a bit larger than normal ... I don't like tiny stuff ... that makes you squint.  

   DHARMA_1971 (1748) - FLchessplayer (1896)   
  Live Chess / / 09,11,2012.  


This was a game of one-minute chess played on the server. (Live. 1-0 chess, no increment.) 

My opponent is from Beograd. (According to the info given on the actual website.)  

Once we are out of the opening, I will continually point out the move suggested by the computer, and for several important reasons here: 

A.) This should remove all doubt that I could have used a chess engine while playing this game. 

B.) It is good information, and also makes careful study of this game a good learning experience for the prospective student of the game. 

C.) I am often asked how I play chess ... how I am able to sacrifice material in a blitz scenario ... or even a (faster) game of bullet chess. 
[ (Hopefully, I will clearly expound the general ideas and what my thoughts were as the game was actually being played.) It does not happen often, but on occasion an adversary on the Internet will accuse me of using a chess engine. In particular, one opponent - a few months back - was very vocal, claiming that it was impossible to play chess and sacrifice material in a game of bullet chess. Hopefully, by annotating this clash I will explain the paradigm - although much different than the thinking model that I use for slow, OTB chess - that allows me to play in this manner; and even sacrifice material in a game of 1-0 chess. ]   


In the opening, my opponent developed all of his pieces. While his overall plan did not look great, this is (exactly) how many players will play chess when they have to play quickly. I used at least 10-15 seconds for the opening, while my opponent moved much more quickly, taking only 2-3 seconds. (If he even used that much time.) 

< (This is the reason that they play this way ... most of the time, I am winning easily at the end of the game, yet I will generally wind up losing on time ... also, my opponent was using a lot of the "pre-move" function. This is where you move your piece before your opponent even moves. The plus side is that you will only use about 1/10 of second for a move. The negative side is that you are basically just guessing. Guess right, and you save a LOT of time, guess wrong and you will lose material or even get mated.) > 


Meanwhile, Black tries to develop all of his pieces as efficiently as possible, while grabbing as much space and gaining as much control of the center ... 
as he possibly can.   

     1.e3 c52.g3 d53.Bg2 Nc64.Nf3 e55.0-0 f66.Ne1 Be67.Qe2 Qd78.d3 Bd69.b3 Nge7;    
     10.Bb2 g511.a4 0-0-012.c4 d4;

Now - not having time to calculate - White plays to close the position. 
(I think that this was the wrong approach here, and gave Black ... "a free pass" to go ahead and start an all-out attack on the WK.)  

BTW ---> it is well known that when players castle on opposite sides of the chess board, the game becomes a race to mate the opponent's King, with victory usually going to the side that can first open major pathways to their opponent's respective King. For a thorough explanation of these concepts, see the first few games of the excellent book"50 Essential Chess Lessons,"  by  FM Steve Giddins

     13.e4!? h514.h3 Ng6;   

Take a look at the current position. 


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  2kr3r/pp1q4/2nbbpn1/2p1p1pp/P1PpP3/1P1P2PP/1B2QPB1/RN2NRK1 w - - 0 15  


Black has developed all of his pieces, while his opponent, while having moved most of his pieces, has a much poorer development and also less space. 


White's next move is just bad.  
(If I had wanted it, I could have just taken a Pawn on h3, Nf3? also "walks into" the line-opening pawn advance of ...g5-g4; here.)  

     15.Nf3? g4(Viva la audace!)   

Played to open lines as quickly as possible, the computer recommends that Black play  >/= 15...BxP/h3;  here.  


     16.hxg4 hxg417.Nh2 Rxh2!;   

Once more, I played this move rapidly, the idea being to open lines and expose the WK in an expeditious manner.  

Here I only saw  17...Qh718.NxP/g4, and now 18...BxN/g4; does not work, because White responds with  19.QxN/g4+,  which is a check. 
(This was about all the calculation that I had time for, even this took too long, at least ten seconds here.)   


                         [ The best line was probably:   >/=  RR  17...Qh7!18.Nxg4[]18...Rdg8!;  "/+"  
                            with continuing complications.  ( - Fritz 13.)  

                            ---> The computer analysis of this position proves that Black will have an overwhelming attack.  
                           (Of course, I had neither the time nor the calculating ability to analyze these variations to their logical end.) ]    


     18.Kxh2 Qh7+19.Kg1 Rh8;   

Very simple and direct ... and logical as well. 
(Black occupies the only open file with a battery, and also threatens a mate on the very next move here.)  

Fritz 13 prefers >/= 19...Nf4!; while the strong chess engine Houdini 1.5 likes RR 19...Kb8!?   


Now best (for White) was Re1 or Rd1. <So says the mighty metal monster.> 

     20.f3 Nf4!!;  (thematic)  

Not being able to calculate like a machine, I depend a lot on things like experience and also intuition to play bullet chess.  


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  2k4r/pp5q/2nbbp2/2p1p3/P1PpPnp1/1P1P1PP1/1B2Q1B1/RN3RK1 w - - 0 21  


Black's last move is designed to try and take away any lines of escape from the White King ... in an effort to press on with my attack.  


                         [ The following line is (probably) best for Black, perhaps I could have found this    
                            continuation in slow chess, but it would almost be impossible at the current time limit:  

                            >/=  RR 20...Qh2+!21.Kf2 Rh3!;   

                            This is not a difficult move to find if you have plenty of time on your clock, but I think it would  
                             be hard to spot in a game of on-minute. 

                            22.Ke1 Rxg323.Rh1[],  ("Box.")  
                            Most of the engines agree that this move was forced for White. 

                                           (Worse is:  </= 23.Rf2? Nf4;  "-+" when Black is winning easily. )  

                           23...Qxg224.Qxg2 Rxg225.Bc1 gxf3;  "-/+"    
                           Both Fritz and Houdini agree that White is quite lost here. ]   


     21.gxf4 g3!;  (Fixing squares.)    

My last move took away f2 as a flight square from the WK, so ... (once more); I threaten a mate on the move.  


     22.Rc1 Qh2+23.Kf1 exf4;     


Now have a look at the current position.  


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  2k4r/pp6/2nbbp2/2p5/P1PpPp2/1P1P1Pp1/1B2Q1Bq/RNR2K2 w - - 0 24  


Black is down a Rook!, but has ample compensation, owing to the danger that the White King is in and also that White's pieces also do not {currently} have any real or meaningful play.  




Now the engines agree that White should have played Na3 here, his next move - although quite natural - is clearly inferior. 

     24.Nd2!? Bh3;  (Pin + restriction.)   

My last move contained a powerful threat, now (at last!) my opponent slowed down and thought for at least 20-30 seconds.   


     25.b4??,   (Just a blunder.)   

This move loses instantly ... although the engines all agree that White is clearly lost here. 
(See the analysis ... just below.)    


                         [ Fritz gives the following variation, (which I also checked with Houdini); as being clearly forced here:     
                            >/=   25.Bxh3+[] Qxh3+26.Qg2[],  Once more, this was forced.   

                                           ( </= 26.Ke1? Qh1+;  27.Qf1 g2;  "-/+" )    

                            26...Qxg2+27.Kxg2 Rh2+28.Kg1 Rxd229.Rab1 Ne530.Rf1,   (Forced!)   
                            Once more, White has no real choice here.    

                                            ( But not: </= 30.Rd1? Nxf3+;   "-/+"  and mate next move. )   

                           30...Rxd331.Kg2 Rxb332.Ba1 Ra333.Bb2 Rxa4;  "-/+"   
                           Black has a Knight and FOUR!!!! Pawns ... for the lost exchange.    
                           (And it appears that the button on c4 here is doomed, as well.) ]   


     25...Qh1#.  (It is over.)   

Black used a little calculation here, but depended mostly on things like general principles and rules of thumb to play this particular game.   


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  2k4r/pp6/2nb1p2/2p5/PPPpPp2/3P1Ppb/1B1NQ1B1/R1R2K1q w - - 0 26  


I literally had less than five seconds left on my clock at the end of this particular encounter. 
(I was quite pleased with my overall conduct of this game. Although the analysis clearly proves that the computer can improve on my play, 
 I felt that I gave my opponent plenty to think about and set nearly insoluble problems ... and even sacrificed material, as well.)   


   Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby, 2012. All rights reserved.   


  0 - 1  

  The analysis for this page was prepared with the excellent programChessBase 10.0. (I now have ChessBase 11.0; I also used MANY different chess engines!)   

   The HTML was polished with several different tools and programs, (mostly FP)  ...  the text was checked for spelling with MS Word 

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  Copyright (c) LM A.J. Goldsby I  
   Copyright © A.J. Goldsby, 2013.  All rights reserved.  


This page was first generated in: November, 2012. Final format / posting on: Sunday; November 11th, 2012.  .  
This game was last edited, altered or saved on:  May 27, 2013 06:40 PM

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