GOTM; December, 2003.  

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This is a game that I worked on for some time. I played through many games in the most recent issue of the TWIC I had before settling on this particular contest. 

Most of the time, the game I choose is one that is being looked at by other on-line {chess} news services and chess news websites. But for the last few weeks, none of the games being covered really appealed to me. (Except for the Kasparov - versus - Fritz_X3D  Match  ...  which I am covering on another web-site completely dedicated to that topic.)  

Since none of the games 'in the spot-light' really were worthwhile ... in my opinion ... I wound up playing through at least 200 games in the most recently available issue of  TWIC, (then # 472); to find one game I thought was: A.) Reasonably attractive; B.) Contained at least a fair degree of fighting contentC.) Was an opening that was relatively interesting;  D.) It was a game that I thought I could make instructive and something the average player could learn a lot from. 

It took at least two weeks to annotate this game, I worked on it from one to four hours almost every day. And while it is {probably} far from perfect, I am sure the average player could learn from this contest. I certainly hope it is both entertaining and something of value to players under 1800. 

  The Game of The Month  (For Dec, 2003.)   

Welcome to my game of the month feature. This will be an annotated game - from  recent  GM practice. This feature is primarily aimed at players in the  1000-to-1650 bandwidth  ... BUT it is my sincere hope that even a player of the exalted Master-class may find this both amusing, useful, and informative. Be sure to  drop me a line,  and tell me what you think. And please be sure to tell all your chess friends about this column.  

Respect my copyright,  and  ...  ENJOY!! 

 This is basically a text-based page. (With just a few diagrams.)  
  I strongly suggest that you use a chess set.  

   Click  HERE  to see an explanation of the symbols I use.   

(I could not find this game on the  "re-playserver.)


   I tried to provide a light repertoire - for anyone who is unfamiliar with the variations and lines used here.   

   GM A. Wojtkiewicz (2571) - GM P. Blatny (2494)   
81st 'NY Masters' Tournament
New York, NY  (U.S.A.)  (Round # 2),   11.11.2003

[A.J. Goldsby I]

   The CB medal for this very interesting game. {MERRY CHRISTMAS!!}  (gotm_dec03-medal.gif, 02 KB)

An extremely interesting game  ...  from the New York Masters. 
(The opening almost defies really complete classification.) 

Both players slug it out in a contest played at a faster than normal time limit. White winds up 
sacrificing two pawns, but gets a very strong initiative. Worse yet, the first player emerges from 
the opening with a significant edge on the clock. Eventually an ending is reached that people stood 
on their chairs to watch. The only real question, is ...  "WHO ...  is better?"  

Some people claim endings with both sides having ---> Two Rooks are technical and boring. To 
me they are exciting and replete with mating threats and little motifs not found in most other types 
of endings. 


The ratings are those of FIDE, I believe, and are the ones that were given to this game in the 
TWIC database. 

The Reti Opening  ...  which the great Richard Reti both used and invented. This opening 
has many ideas - mainly fast development and delaying the use of the center-pawns until the 
middle-game ... when you already know how your opponent has arrayed his Pawn Structure. 
(A truly Hyper-Modern idea.) 

According to the database, this player (GM A. Wojtkiewicz); now uses the Reti  ...  
almost exclusively. 

One can play the Reti to head for a certain line, or you can play this opening as, ...  
"a transpositional weapon."  ... ... ... But playing the opening in this way,  (effectively); 
requires a virtual  'PhD' of opening theory and knowledge. 
(To know - and have more than a casual knowledge of all the openings involved, or that you 
  could transpose to - is beyond the ken of even the average Grand-Master!)

     [ When I played this {same} GM many years ago, (a big-money tourney in FL); 
        I am relatively sure he used the more standard:  1.d4{Diagram?}  
        with a slight edge.  

        I won't bore you with the game ... suffice it to say that he defeated me. ]  


Black opts for an immediate and quick development of the QB.  

Whether or not this is OK ... or some other approach is better ... 
is for the opening experts to decide.  (I think it is OK.)  

If Black wants to play  ... "a pure Dutch,"  he can play 1...f5. See the article from 
"" in the December, 2003 issue of the 'Chess Life' magazine. 
 (Page # 17.)  

     [ A line that occurs much more often - especially at the master 
        level - is the following line:  1...d52.c4 e6!?{Diagram?}    

        According to the CB statistics, this is the most common move here. 

           ( The other major alternative for Black is the move:  2...c6;  {Diag?}  
              which is also a pretty good line for Black here. )   

        3.b3 Nf64.g3 Be75.Bg2 0-06.0-0 c67.Bb2 Nbd7;     
        8.d3, "+/="  {Diagram?}  when White holds a definite edge.     

        The first recorded instance of this particular line recorded in the DB 
        was by Richard Reti in 1923.

        GM R. Vaganian - GM V. Akopian;  GMA Qualifying Tournament (final) 
        Moscow, RUS;  1990.  (This game was drawn in 55 moves.);  


        Black can also try:  1...Nf62.g3!?{Diagram?} 
        Trying to keep things very hyper-modern.  

           ( The move  2.d4,  {Diagram?} is more usual at the master level, although c4,      
             (on move two here); is also {statistically} very popular. )     

        2...d53.Bg2 c64.0-0 Bg45.d3 Nbd76.Nbd2 e57.e4 dxe4;   
        8.dxe4 Bc59.h3 Bh510.Qe1 0-011.Nc4 Re812.a4, "+/="  {Diag?}  
        and White has a small but very solid edge in this position.  

        GM L. Aronian - GM Z. HracekTeam Championship 
        /Bundesliga 000f / Germany, 2000.  
        (The game was eventually drawn.) ]   


Both sides now continue to develop their pieces ... in a manner fairly consistent with their first move. 
2.g3 Bb7;  3.Bg2 e6;  4.0-0 f5; ('!?')     
With this move we have transposed from the Reti to a kind of Dutch.
(1.d4, f5;  2.Nf3, Nf6;  3.g3, e6;  4.Bg2, b6!?;  etc.)  

This is a fairly rare line, and is not even in many opening books. 

     [ A little more usual would be the following moves: 
       4...Nf65.c4 Be76.d4 0-07.Nc3{Diagram?}  
       with a transposition to the opening known as,  "The Queen's Indian Defense."  
       (One of the most popular openings of the 1980's, especially at the Master level.) 

       I remember one U.S. Championship that I attended during this period. I think 
       nearly half of all the games on the top boards involved this opening. ]   


5.c4 Be7;  6.d4 Nf6;      
Both sides have developed in a manner that is fairly normal for the fianchetto variation of the 
Dutch Defense. (Or - if you really prefer - the fianchetto/Dutch Defense to the Reti.) 

This actual position ... as far as I can determine ... was reached first in the following contest:  
GM A. Alekhine - GM R. Reti;  Karlsbad, GER;  1923. 
(A draw in under 40 moves.)  


White now tries a very interesting, and somewhat thematic pawn advance  ... 
designed to disrupt, and possibly destroy, Black's pawn chain.  
To me a move like this means that the first player wants a fight.  

The only significant game I could find in the database, with this position, was the following 
encounter:  GM I. Novikov - GM P. Blatny; Millenium Festival, 2000. 
(I believe this was the first time that this variation - with the advance of
the d-pawn - was played between two strong players.)  

     [ Of course it is also good for White to simply develop in this position. E.g.,  
        7.Nc3 0-0{Diagram?}  
        when White has a good game, ("+/=") but both sides have a fairly good  
        chances from this position.  

        The first known example of this line is a game between the great  ... ... ... 
        GM Akiba Rubinstein (White) and the fairly well-known GM Rudolph Spielmann
        (Prague, CZE; 1908.)  

        A more current example is the following contest:   
        GM M. Cebalo - GM S. Djuric;  National Championship Tourn./Yugoslavia, 1986. 
        (White won a very long game. This last game is probably key to learning the correct 
          way to handle this line for White.) ]   


Black needs to protect both his Bishop and his e6-pawn ... or risk losing material.  

It is more usual to castle first, but I see no way to exploit Black's move order.  

     [ A {former} student and I looked at this game on-line one night.  
       (He is rated "Class B" USCF. He was also using some type of 
        hand-held {chess-playing} computer, mainly to eliminate big mistakes.)  

       The following line is just a sample of what can happen to Black in this 
       particular variation ... if he decides to capture on d5:  
       7...exd5!?(Maybe - '?!')  {Diagram?}   
       This is risky, as it breaks down Black's Pawn Chain ...  
       and exposes several squares as a positional weakness. 

       8.Nh4!,  {Diagram?}   
       To me this is the most thematic, as White - I would want to target 
       the d5-square with all of my pieces.  

           ( Also very good is the move:  8.Nd4!,  {Diagram?}      
              with many of the same ideas. )      

       8...g69.Nc3! Ng4!?10.h3 Ne511.Nxd5 Bxh4!?;   
       12.gxh4 0-0?{Diagram?}      
       The move ...Nbc6; was probably forced here. But Black missed this  ... 
       he even said  (typed)  something like:  "Let me get castled before you kill me." 

       Black's mistake is instructive.  

           ( Of course not:  </= 12...Qxh4??;  13.Nxc7+,  {Diagram?}       
              and White is winning. ("+/-") )      

       13.Bg5 Qe8{Diagram?}     
       This is forced.  

           ( But Black should not play the move:  13...Qc8??;            
             as now the reply is:  14.Ne7+,  which forks Black's         
             King and Queen. (Winning for White.  "+/-") )          

       14.Ne7+ Kg715.Bxb7,  ("+/-")  {Diagram?}         
       At this point, Black was wise enough to concede defeat.  


       Slightly more usual is for Black to play castles here. But after:  
       7...0-08.Nd4 Qc8{Diagram?}      
       we have just transposed back into the game. ]     


8.Nc3 0-09.Bg5   
Strategically the most consistent move, although other moves were possible. 
(White is trying to dominate d5 - to make the Bishop on d7 look ineffective - 
  whereas Black is trying to break free on that square.)  

     [ Interesting was:   9.Bf4,  "~"  {Diagram?}     
       with a viable position for both sides here.   


       Another possibility was: 
       9.a3 a510.Rb1!? Na611.Nd4 Nc512.Qc2,  "~"  {Diag?}      
       also with a wildly unclear position.  (Both sides have good play.) ]   


A good developing move ... but also very obligatory. Black might soon feel 
a little "pinched" for space in this position.  

     [ Worth a thought was the move:  >/=  9...a5; ('!')  {unclear?} {Diagram?}  
        to try and secure the c5-square for the Black Knight here. 
        (With the idea of: ...Na6; followed by  ...Nc5.)  ]    


Both sides now continue to develop in a fairly normal fashion. 

Deep Junior  likes  Ne5  here, but the move chosen by White appears 
to be both reasonable and playable.  

  Personally I prefer Bxf6 as the most consistent move.    
This would also avoid the loss of material that now ensues. 

10.Rc1!? Nc5;  11.b4!?,  {See the diagram, given just below.}      
Very obligatory, the first player is forced down a fairly narrow line. 
But it is also very sharp and the most challenging method of meeting Black's set-up. 
(White's last move was fairly consistent with his previous moves. Yet now White 
  either intentionally gambits a Pawn ... or loses it.)  


   The position immediately following White's 11th move.  (gotm_12-03_pos1.gif, 52 KB)



After having spent more than two weeks working on this game, I can definitely tell you I think 
White's little gambit is probably unsound. But given the time limit this game was played at, I find 
it rather difficult to be extremely critical. 

I asked - via email - about 2 dozen friends and students who was better in this position. There was 
no clear-cut agreement ... as many felt White was better as those who preferred to be Black in this 
position.  (I think the position is close to being equal, but the programs are already leaning toward  
SLIGHTLY favoring Black here.) 

An IM on ICC - who is also a very strong postal player - told me ... 
that Qd4 is a good move here. (!?)  


     [ Another very sharp move here was the try:  11.Nb5!?; "~"  {Diagram?}  
        so that if ...Nce4!?; then White will simply respond with Bf4.  


       One program likes the move:  11.Bf4!?,  "="   {Diagram?}  
       in this position. And while possibly playable, it appears to me to be just 
       a waste of time. ]   



11...Nce4;  12.Nxe4!?,    
An extremely sharp move by White, and probably the idea Alex had when he played b4. 
(The main drawback to this move is that White is now virtually forced to play a {somewhat 
 dubious} gambit, and I am not at all sure of its soundness.)   


     [ White could also play:  (>/=)  12.Bxf6 Rxf613.Qb3, "="  {Diagram?}   
        but I doubt if White holds much of an advantage in this position. 
        (This approach may have been wiser for White than the way the game was 
          actually played.)


       Also interesting was:  12.a3{Diagram?}  but I doubt if White maintains 
       too much of an edge here.  (Actually, this move was initially suggested by 
       one of my students. Now that I look at it, Black prolly has a win, but I will 
       leave you to discover the method.)  ]   



This is virtually forced for Black, as the alternative of capturing with the Knight loses a piece.  

     [ </=  12...Nxe4??13.Bxe7, "+/-" ]    


White's next move is virtually forced.
(If White were to try Bxf6?, Black would then respond with PxN/f3, winning material.)
13.Nd4 Nxd5!;  {Diagram?}       
Black, at first glance, seems to win a pawn with this move ... 
but some appearances can be deceiving.  

Black wins material, but finds a tremendous amount of difficulty in finding the best plan.  

I have no doubt that Fischer would have won this game, (as Black); but Fischer never had 
to play chess at the much more rapid modern time controls that are in use today.  

     [ After the moves of:  13...exd5!?14.cxd5 Bxb4{Diagram?}  
        This could be Black's best bet.  

           ( Or  14...Nxd5!?;  15.Bxe7 Nxe7;  16.Qc2,  "~"  {Diagram?}         
              and White appears to have OK chances from here. )       

       15.Bxf6 Rxf616.Bxe4 Bc517.e3 Qe8;  "~"  {Diagram?}     
        Black appears to be doing well in this particular position. ]   


The next few ply seem forced.  
14.cxd5 Bxg5;  15.e3 exd5;   
This looks to be better for Black, the computer considers Black to be practically 
winning from this position. 

But although Black is two Pawns ahead, he has difficulty in finding good squares for his pieces, 
and his light-squared Bishop is partially bad. White has tremendous play in this position.  

     [ An alternative for Black was: >/=  
        15...Bxd516.Qc2!? a517.b5 Qb7!;   18.Qxc7 Rac8;  "/+" {Diagram?}    
         and Black appears to be clearly better from this position. 

         Although I am not one-hundred percent certain, this is probably an 
          improvement over the game. ]     


16.Qg4 Bf6!?17.Nb5 Bc6 
According to the computer, this is the best move for Black, but I am not so certain.  

     [ Pavel Blatny could have also played  17...c618.Nd6 Qc7;  "/+"  {Diagram?}       
        with a solid position for Black.   
        (I prefer this to the line that was actually played in the game. But to be fair, 
         Black's pawn structure is just plain ugly. This could be why Blatny did not 
         choose this line.) ]    


18.Nc3 Bxc3!?;   
Black gives up a good Bishop, albeit for a Knight which could pose significant problems 
for the second player here.  

     [ The other main alternative is for Black to play the move:  
         >/=   18...Qe8('!') ("-/+")  {Diagram?}      
        in this position. {Which was probably better than what had 
        happened in the actual game.} ]   


19.Rxc3 Qd8;    
Black obviously wants to activate the Queen, which has been placed very passively thus far.

     [ Also possible was:   19...a5!?; "/+"  {Diagram?}   
        when Black appears to be better.  ]   


Although there are many possibilities over the next few moves, both sides
play reasonably well. In particular, White tries to re-deploy his pieces to 
more effective squares. 
20.Rfc1 Qf6;  21.Qe2 a6;  22.Qd2 Rf7;  23.Bf1 Qd6;    
This centralizes the Queen ... and also hits the hanging Pawn on b4.  

24.Qd4 Raf8;  25.R1c2,   
Black has a few weaknesses here, but nothing that looks fatal.  

     [ 25.R3c2!? ]    


This looks OK  ...  but maybe gives White something to play for.  

     [ The other main alternative here is for Blatny to try:  25...b5{Diagram?}     
        but this leaves weaknesses along the dark squares and leaves his Bishop 
        blocked by its own pawns. ]    


26.Rd2 Bb5?!;   
This appears to be a second-best decision, the more trying move here 
was to play  ...P-QB3.  (...c6)   

     [ I think better was:   >/=  26...c6; "/+"  {Diagram?}   
        when it is not clear how White will organize his play from here.  


        The main point was that after:   27.Bxa6!?{Diagram?}   
        {Cute, but not tricky enough.}  

           ( >/= 27.Qxb6 Bb5; "/+" ("-/+" ?) )        

        the move  27...b5;  "-/+"  {Diagram?}   
        cuts off ... and traps the White Bishop ... behind the lines. ]     


The next few blows look to be relatively forced.  
27.Bxb5 axb5;  28.Qxd5 Qxd5;  29.Rxd5 Rxf2?;  ('??')  {Diagram?}        
This looks very dangerous for White, but in actuality it allows Wojtkiewicz a great deal of 

From friends and contacts who live in New York, I have been able to gather that Black was 
getting into time trouble at this point in the game.
(You should also remember that this entire event was played at a rather accelerated time limit.)  

     [ A significant improvement was the continuation of:  
        >/=  29...c630.Rd2 Ra8!?; "/+"  {Diagram?}   
        and Black is clearly much better.  
        (One program considers Black to be practically winning here.) ]   


Now there will ensue ...  a DOUBLE-ROOK ending, one of the most difficult in all the 
realm of chess.  (Now the next few moves are pretty much forced.)  
The correct way for White to capture a Pawn in this position. 

      [ Worse is:   </=  30.Rxd7?! c5!; "=/+"  {Diagram?}   
         and Black is better in this position.  ]    


30...Rf1+;  31.Kg2 R8f2+;  32.Kh3 Rh1;  33.Rdxd7 Rhxh2+;  34.Kg4 g6;    
{See the diagram given - just below.} 

At first blush, Black might appear to be better, but once again ... looks can be deceiving.   
(A few students that I tested this position on say White should play Rb7, with the slightly better game.)



   Black just played 34...g6; how does White proceed from here?  (gotm_12-03_pos2.gif, 53 KB)



To be honest, White is better. His Rooks are much more active than White's are. 
His King is much safer than you might {first} think on g4. 
(Although he must be alert for some very sneaky mating ideas.) 

The key to the win is to keep Black tied down with mate threats and slowly pick off the 
Black Pawns on e4 and on the b-file. While this might sound simple in theory, it can be 
VERY difficult in practice. (I have seen Masters go sadly astray in this type of ending. 
In fact, Black seems to completely lose his way over the course of the remainder of this 

A very high degree of precision is called for if White is to win this game. 

     [ </= 34...h5+?!35.Kg5, "+/=" ]    


The correct move. The Black King is forced into the corner, when the first player begins the 
slow, but steady and sure process of picking off all of the second player's weak buttons. 

     [ Most computer programs want to play the moves:   
        35.Ra7!?; {D?}  or the try   35.a3, "+/="  {Diagram?}  
        when White is solidly better in either case.  ]   


Black probably thought he could not lose his  KRP  in this position. 
(And if this was his line of thinking, he was probably correct.)  


     [ Not to be recommended was:  
        </=  35...Kf8?!36.Rge7 Rf5!?37.Rxh7{Diagram?}  
        The only good move for White.   

           ( NOT  37.Rxe4???? h5# ! )      

        Probably the correct move for Black in this position.  

           ( Not  37...Rxa2??;  38.Rh8#. )     

        38.Rxh7 Rf339.Rb7 Rxe340.Rxb6 Ra341.Rxb5,   
        41...Rxa242.Re5,  '±'  (Maybe  "+/-")  {Diagram?}   
        and White may have what could be a straight-forward technical win. ]   



36.Rge7 Rf8!?;   {See the diagram just below.}         
Black obviously did not want to be mated on the first row of the chess board here.



   Black just played ...Rf8; on his 36th move. Why?  (gotm_12-03_pos3.gif, 52 KB)



White might be a tad better here, but I am not completely convinced that 
this a totally forced win for White.  


     [ No good for Black was the following line:  
        36...h5+?37.Kg5 Rf5+?!38.Kh6!;  ("+/-")  {Diagram?}   
        and Black is quickly mated.  


        Maybe    36...Kg8!?  "~"   {Diagram?}    was worth a try? 
        (Going for a repetition of the position.);  


        Black could have played the blunder:   36...Rf5 ???{Diagram?}   
        which threatens a  ...   mate in one (Pawn to KR4 or ...h5 mate.) 

        But White naturally responds:  37.Rc8+,  ("+/-")  {Diagram?}       
        with mate next move. ]    



White now saves his a-pawn ...  a good practical decision.   
37.a3 g5?!;  (Probably - '?')   {See the diagram ... given just below.}        
This is a very poor move  ...  and I have no idea why it was played.  



   Black just played P-KN4 (...g5)  on his last play. Was this a good move, or a bad move? Why???  (gotm_12-03_pos4.gif, 52 KB)



A guess was that Black thought he could mate White's advanced King?  
(Time pressure hallucinations?)   

     [ Better was:   >/=  37...Kg8!; "~"  {Diagram?} 
        (The position is {approximately} unclear.)  ]   


White continues with the correct plan of picking up coins while keeping 
Black's Monarch tied up.  


     [ The move  38.Rb7{Diagram?}    
        was also good for White.  ("+/")  


        Taking the pawn on g5 might even be playable for White.

        After the continuation of:   38.Kxg5!? h6+!?39.Kg4 Rg8+40.Kf4,  
        40...Rf2+41.Kxe4 Rxg342.Re8+ Rg843.Re6!, '±'  {Diagram?}      
        White is clearly better. ("+/")  ]   



Black - inadvisably - continues with his 'ghost' attack against White's King.   
38...h5+!?; ('?!')   
This looks like an inferior move  ...  and it may very well be just that.  

But most of the damage has already been done to Black's game ...  
it may even be beyond all recall.   


     [ Maybe  ...Rg8;  was a little better.  

       But after the moves:   38...Rg839.Ree7 h5+40.Kf3 g4+ 
       41.Ke4 Ra842.Kf5!,  '±'  {Diagram?}    
       White is clearly much better, and should eventually win.  
       (Fritz 8.0 - after almost 15 minutes of analysis time - considers 
        White to be {practically} winning here.) ]   


White now plays his only legal move available to him.  
39.Kxg5 Rh3;  40.Re6!,    
This move is excellent  ...  and sets up the possibility of White 'hiding' his King on h6.  

     [ 40.Ree7!? ]    


Black has almost no choice here.   

White now decides to capture a Pawn ... that in the long run, could be very dangerous.  

41.Kxh5 Rh3+!?;  {See the diagram ... just below.}     
If I were Black in this position, I might play ...Rf1; with some (not so hidden) threats to 
White's King.  

     [ E.g.,  41...Rf1!?42.Rxb6?? Rh1#. ]   


Now that Black's <delusional>  mating web has evaporated, White has a relatively easy win.

But students of the game should study GM A. Wojtkiewicz's technique, and study it carefully!  
(It is very good.)



     The actual position after Black's 41st move ... the game is almost over.  (gotm_12-03_pos5.gif, 52 KB)


No further comment is really needed - White wins without too much trouble.  
42.Kg4 Rh1;  43.Rxb6 Rg1+;  44.Kh3 Re8;  45.Rxb5 Rg6;   
An attempt to safeguard his King.   

     [ The other move in this position is to capture the e-pawn, but after  
        the following continuation: 
        45...Rxe3+46.Kh2 Rg7{Diagram?}      
        Black must keep one Rook near his King.  

           ( Of course not:  46...Ra1??;  47.Rb8+, ("+/-") {Diagram?}       
             and mate next move. )        

        47.Rb8+ Kh748.Rxg7+ Kxg749.a4, ("+/-")  {Diagram?}  
        Black should simply resign. ]    


46.Kh2 Kg8!?;   47.e4!? Rd8;  48.Rd5 Rf8;  49.Rd3 Ra8;      
50.b5,  {Diagram?}  "+/-"  Black Resigns.        

Blatny does not care to continue, he is three pawns down and has not an ice cube's chance in ____.  

A wonderful game by both players. While this game was not flawlessly played, it was played with a great
amount of  'fighting spirit'  by both parties. A truly magnificent struggle.


   Copyright (c) LM A.J. Goldsby I   Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby.  Copyright (c) A.J.G;  2003.  


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   All games - the HTML code was originally - Generated with the program,   ChessBase 8.0    

   All diagrams were created with the program -  Chess Captor 2.25.     

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  This page was first posted on:  Friday;  December 12th, 2003.   This page was last updated on 03/17/15 .  

    COPYRIGHT (c) A.J. Goldsby I  Copyright (©) A.J. Goldsby; 1975 - 2014.   

  Copyright (©) A.J. Goldsby, 2015. All rights reserved.